Director: Gen Sekiguchi
Screenwriter: Taku Tada
Main Cast:
Tadanobu Asano – Aman
Reika Hashimoto – Aman’s wife
Kyoko Koizumi – Yoko
Hiroshi Abe – Aoyama
Ittoku Kishibe – Tatsuya Kobayashi
Yumi Aso – Misa, Kobayashi’s wife
Kanji Tsuda – Tsuda
Yoshiyuki Morishita – Morishita
Jai West – J
Yoshiyoshi Yarakawa – Killer’s Translator
Vinnie Jones – Hired Killer
Sonny Chiba – Kasama
Hands down, this is one of the worst movies I’ve seen in the last few years. It’s difficult to even begin to describe its vileness. I know I’m not supposed to write summaries, but, in order to be fair, this time, I have to. Understandably, very few people have seen this abominable piece of shit.
The story has five facets, represented by five sets of protagonists: 1 – Aman, who kills his “wife” over and over again, but she always comes back in a different costume. They live in an ultra colorful house, saturated with disconnectedly random objects. She cooks him loads of food, but then, for no apparent reason, they start fighting and she ends up dead. After he buries her, she comes back to haunt him. Apart from the cooking, which happens only once more, at Christmas night, this cycle is repeated several times. Why? There is no possible answer. Why do they love each other again in the end? Again, zero reasons. There is very little dialogue, and when there is, it’s meaningless.
2 – Aoyama, a showy, flashy hypnotist. He is a typically Japanese television host – noisy and unfunny. He gets killed by Vinnie Jones, who had been hired by a girl he had, not very successfully, fucked, 3 – Yoko, a copywriter who comes up with a few good ideas for commercials. The movie enacts some of them for us in the shape of short films, which, of course, are happening only in her imagination. One of them, about aspirins, she did tape and showed it to her employers; one especially, the president of the advertising company, played by Sonny Chiba. They hated it and I certainly agree with them. It’s supposed to be funny, but it’s just plain ridiculous.

5 – The worst: three teenage burglars who steal nothing. They just like to hang around people’s houses, having the most inane conversations you can think of. Again, absolutely unfunny. Two of them are closeted homosexuals, but decide to be together by the end. One is handsome; the other is terribly ugly and inexplicably tanned. That’s it, there’s nothing else to it.
The ending is supposedly poetic, but I was so annoyed that I couldn’t appreciate it. Bottom line is: Yes, the movie’s got some style, but it doesn’t survive its own utter silliness. Everything about it is gratuitous and superficial. There’s not a speck of substance, no connection at all with something real. I couldn’t identify or sympathize with any character of this film. Survive Style 5+ didn’t make me think or feel anything; my brain was just a blank from beginning to end. The only thing I wondered was: “how worse is this movie going to get? Isn’t it enough?”
By the way, after having seen Vinnie Jones wearing nothing but shorts and flip-flops in a sauna, I will never respect him again.
Grade: U
Link at imdb.
"Survive Style 5+ didn’t make me think or feel anything; my brain was just a blank from beginning to end." hahahahahah eba, um filme com menção U! fiquei curiosíssima pra ver e poder falar mal tb hehe! assim que li seu post sobre 'os sonhadores' eu baixei aqui, vou tentar ver hoje :]]
ResponderExcluirLegal que você gostou da crítica!! Acho fantástico que você tem acompanhado o blog. Fico especialmente feliz de ter te influenciado a assistir os sonhadores. Tomara que você goste! Ah, e confira os próximos posts porque andei temos umas ideias para deixar o blog mais variado e, por isso, preparei umas paradas diferentes pra semana que vem.
ResponderExcluirxxx :)
Hahahahahahah o Vinnie Jones de short e chinelo, jesus, vou ver o filme só por isso!!
ResponderExcluirAdorei a crítica!
Eis um prelúdio:
ResponderExcluirValeu, Mari! Tô curioso pra saber o que você acha desse filme. A impressão que eu tenho é a de que ou você o ama ou o odeia.